Page 3 - 臺灣高等教育擴張政策實施對過度教育工作者薪資影響之評估---徐美 臺灣師範大學管理學院企業管理學系教授
P. 3


                     Evaluations on the Effect of the

                 Expansive Higher Education Policy

                  and on the Wage of Overeducated

                                 Workers in Taiwan

                                               Mei Hsu

                Professor, Department of Business Administration, National Taiwan Normal


                    In this study, we document consequences of the expansive policy of Higher
                Education implemented in 1994 in Taiwan and evaluate the policy impacts
                on the wage of overeducated workers as compared to their adequate/under

                education counterparts. In view of these purposes, using Taiwan’s Manpower
                Utilization Survey data from 1999 to 2008, there are two hypothesis tests to
                examine to meet study’s goals. The first hypothesis is to investigate if the

                relative wage premium between workers with university degree and those with
                high-school/two-year-college degree was decreased. In addition, we test if there
                is a highly unexplained portion of wage gap between overeducated workers and

                high-school/two-year-college counterparts, indicating the discrimination in the
                labor market against the less-educated workers. The second hypothesis is to test
                if the Higher Education expansion policy impacts the wage of the overeducated

                workers negative sharply. After controlling for the industries variables, the
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