Page 4 - 臺灣高等教育擴張政策實施對過度教育工作者薪資影響之評估---徐美 臺灣師範大學管理學院企業管理學系教授
P. 4

198      ᐿ࿲ၾආӉj઺ԃٙɢඎ

               relative wage of overeducated workers is even worse off.

                   Using a difference-in-differences strategy and the ORU model as well
               as the Verdugo -Verdugo model setup, first of all, we show that Taiwan’s
               Higher Education expansion policy has sharply and significantly deteriorated

               the wage of the overeducated workers €most of them are high-educated
               ones after controlling for industries. By controlling for the expansion policy
               implementation, the results of extended Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition analysis

               evidence that the wage premium between university and high-school/two-
               year-college workers present a declining pattern over years. Most of all, an
               implementation of the expansive Higher Education policy increases the total

               numbers of university and high-educated graduates. However, the highly portion
               of unexplained part of wage gap, indicating the low-educated workers still are
               discriminated in the labor market significantly.

               Key words:   higher education expansion policy, mismatch of occupation and
                           education, overeducation, wage premium
               JEL classification: I23, I24, J3
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