Page 2 - 建構產學研合作培育人才之新機制
P. 2

436      ᐿ࿲ၾආӉj઺ԃٙɢඎ

                  Developing A New Mechanism for

                 Collaboratively Cultivating Talents

                     among Industry, Academy and


                                           Dar-Chin Rau

                                Honorary Professor, Fo Guang University
                               Consultant, Oriental Institute of Technology
                                            Mu-Hui Lai
                           Assistant Professor, Oriental Institute of Technology


                   It is always regarded as an unquestionable truth that the collaboration of
               cultivating talents among industries, academies and universities. Nevertheless,
               the promotion and enhancement of collaboration producing well rounded

               effectiveness has been a very tough nut to crack for a long time.  Thus, this
               article first analyzes the current situation of low fertility rate, aging population,
               and describes the deficiencies of manpower capacity in the cultivation of talents.

               Next, it points out that the rapid changing of technologies and jobs have caused
               the rising gig economy and multiple types of career for workers including more
               and more freelancers.  The needed adjustment of university education and
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