Page 6 - Education and Inclusive Growth --Jong-Wha Lee Korea University
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schooling is constant for all education levels and everyone attains the same level
θS 5
of schooling, Equation (2) can be further simplified to h = e
Years of Schooling
World Advanced
Figure 1. Trends of Educational Attainment from 1980 to 2015 for 138
Figure 1 presents the trend of educational attainment from 1980 to 2015 for
the 138 countries that have complete information. The figures are unweighted
averages for all the countries in the sample (“the world) and those in the groups
of advanced and developing countries. As can be seen in Figure 1, there has
been dramatic expansion of education worldwide and within the group, largely
5 Lee and Lee (2016) analyze the evolution and distribution of human capital stock
worldwide and across nations based on a Mincer-type human capital measure,
compared to average years of schooling.