Page 20 - 兼顧公平與卓越的資源分配─投資弱勢者教育
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                                    ၽᝄ           OECD ̻ѩ            ځᚆ
                     2006 ۬ඊࢨ൷
                     2009 ۬ඊࢨ൷
                     2012 ۬ඊࢨ൷
                     2015 ۬ඊࢨ൷
                     2006 Ό਷̻ѩ
                     2009 Ό਷̻ѩ
                     2012 Ό਷̻ѩ
                     2015 Ό਷̻ѩ

                      ྡ 10c2006 ϋЇ 2015 ϋ PISA ᅰኪ߅Ό਷ኪ͛ڌତ̻ѩʿ

               ൗj ۬ඊࢨ൷ʱᅰމ΢਷ʘ௰৷ʱήਜಯ̘௰Эʱήਜʘʱᅰࢨ൷f዆ଣІ஢
                   ߅ኪ޼Ӻಂ̊d59€1d69-100fOrganisation for Economic Co-operation
                   and Development (2007). Interactive data selection-Results (Variable: School
                   community Q7) . Retrieved from;
                   Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (2010). Interactive data
                   selection-Results, retrieved from;
                   Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (2013b). Interactive
                   data selectionÑResults, retrieved from
                   results.php. Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (2016c).
                   PISA 2015 database.
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