Page 17 - 私立大專校院轉型與退場之
P. 17

3. There are various negative impacts caused from transformation and
                    withdrawal policies for colleges and universities. The Presidents,

                    trustees, and faculty members adopted different corresponding
                    approaches and solving strategies.

                 4. There are more private colleges and universities than public ones in
                    Taiwan, U.S., Japan, and South Korea, and also face withdrawal
                    situations in recent years. However, governments in Taiwan, U.S.,

                    Japan, and South Korea intervene such withdrawal situation with
                    different approaches and play proportion of roles in the process.
                    Their experiences all are worthy to be referenced.

                 5.The research constructed “financial warning indicators for private
                    colleges and universities” divides private colleges and universities’

                    financial status into four categories, as normal condition, yellow zone
                    preliminary stage of normal condition, yellow zone (difficult
                    management), and red zone (extremely difficult management).

                 Based on the above conclusions, the research proposed seven
            improving approaches, including 28 concrete suggestions:

                  I. Planning Ideals for Higher Education and
                                    Developing Consensus

            1. The government and social sectors should confirm the meanings of

               private colleges and universities’s publicness as the principles for school

            2. All sectors in the society should plan together for the developing blueprint
               of higher education as the basis for the revision of regulations on the

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