Page 473 - 2020新世代·新需求:臺灣教育發展的挑戰研討會
P. 473
2 新世代·新需求:台灣教育發展的挑戰
students and foreign workforce. In respond to raise national development and
competitiveness, a wide range of East Asian countries began to emphasize the
importance of attracting foreign students and talent. On the other hand, it is
imperative to carry out international assistance in form of humanism along with
widening gap of global development among different regions. The main aim of
this paper, therefore, is to decipher how East Asian countries can attract the student
(talent) and devote its responsibility of global citizenship at the same time. It is
under such context that it analyzes the talent policy and international assistance in
East Asia. It reveals a potential contradiction between national economic liberation
(neo-liberal globalization) and humanitarian effort. Finally, this article argues that
the notion of ‘talent circulation’ should be adopted so as to balance the development
of the Global North and Global South in the long run.
Keywords: internationalization, talent policy, international assistance, talent
Ⅰ Introduction
For the past two decades, we have seen significant moves towards
internationalization across the globe. One of the featured trends is greater mobility
of students and workforce. According to UNESCO, more than 5.30 million students
are internationally mobile to other countries in 2017 particularly originating
developing countries (UNESCO, 2020). In respond to raise national development
and competitiveness, a wide range of Asian countries began to emphasize the
importance of attracting foreign students (talent) so as to boost the social, economic
and even industrial innovations. Therefore, there is a growing imperative for East
Asian countries to design and implement relevant talent policies and practices.