Page 475 - 2020新世代·新需求:臺灣教育發展的挑戰研討會
P. 475

      2       新世代·新需求:台灣教育發展的挑戰

              knowledge. The pursuit of knowledge-based economy is essentially related to the
              well-educated and high skilled workforce. It is against such wider context that the

              cutting-edge scientist, scholars/researchers, innovators, and entrepreneurs play the
              key roles in forming knowledge basis.
                   The request for leading ‘brain’ also becomes intensified as a result of greater
              internationalization or globalization. Along with the compression of time, distance

              and regional interaction, talent with ‘global meritocracy’ becomes valuable asset
              to policy-makers in raising national competitiveness and market niche (Brown &
              Tannock, 2009). As Florida (2005) has put it,

                    The terms of competitive revolve around a central axis: a nation’s

                    ability to mobilize, attract, and retain human creative talent. Every key
                    dimension of international economic leadership, from manufacturing
                    excellence to scientific and technological advancement, will depend on
                    this ability (p.3).

                   The comparative advantage of nation state can be assured based on the
              effective mobilization and utilization of talent within and beyond the national
              borders. Countries in East Asia such as Japan, Singapore, Taiwan and Korea have

              been regarded as the ‘winners’ of competitive commercial trade at the global stage.
              Their success (except Japan) had depended upon the cheap and intensive labor,
              mass production, or niche industry such as computers and information technology.

              Their continuous growth, however, must rely on the frontier technology, innovative
              service or knowledge-intensive sectors such as pharmacy, biotechnology or smart
              manufacturing. However, these new industries have been dominant by traditional
              developed countries equipped with existing advantages. These emerging economies
              in East Asia are under huge pressure to fight for the competitive edge with other

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