Page 455 - 2020新世代·新需求:臺灣教育發展的挑戰研討會
P. 455
2 新世代·新需求:台灣教育發展的挑戰
In the past two years, bilingual education has become an hot issue in
Taiwanese education system because of the appearance of bilingual policies at local
authority level and the 2030 Bilingual National Policy Development Blueprint at
central government. However, is the link between the bilingual competence of the
citizens equal to the enhancement of the nation’s competitiveness and economical
growth? Can Taiwanese junior high and primary schools implement this bilingual
education policy? With these questions for further inquiry in mind, this paper aims
at exploring the challenges and opportunities brought by bilingual education policy
to the secondary and primary schooling in Taiwanese context.
The following aspects are covered in this paper: the definition of bilingual
education, the status-quo of language education in Taiwan, the relation between
bilingual education and teaching English as a foreign language, and the challenges
and opportunities that schools facing under the bilingual education policy. Practical
suggestions are offered in the end of this paper as a reference to those who are
interested in this issue.
Keywords:Bilingual education, bilingual teaching, 2030 Bilingual National
Policy Development Blueprint, Native English speaking teacher
度上搶了 108 課綱的相關議題熱度。自從台南市與台北市於六都中提
出雙語教育的政策,率先拋出此一議題後(林子斌,2020),2017 年
底行政院也在國家發展委員會(2018)的主導下提出「2030 雙語國