Page 231 - 2020新世代·新需求:臺灣教育發展的挑戰研討會
P. 231

      2       新世代·新需求:台灣教育發展的挑戰

                                         Angela Chi-Ming Lee


                   Cultivating citizenship, particularly its moral foundations, is a key
              aspect of educational development. However, Taiwan, which is intertwined
              with the global context, has always faced three major challenges in this

              area: (1) Old and new ideologies restricted and distorted moral meanings.
              (2) Social and intergenerational injustices undermined moral principles. (3)
              Digital network and emerging issues are challenging moral standards. This
              article proposes several modern citizenship theories to meet the needs of

              democratic society, and to respond to the above-mentioned challenges. The
              essential requirements of cultivating citizenship are as followed. Firstly,
              emphasizing critical thinking and moral reflection. Secondly, initiating social
              justice and multicultural recognition. Thirdly, rebuilding caring relationships

              and sustainable development. In addition, this article evaluates citizenship
              and social education practices in Taiwan, aiming at constructing new moral
              foundations of cultivating citizenship and a more mature civil society.

              Keywords: citizenship, critical thinking, morality, social justice, sustainable


                   筆者受邀「黃昆輝教授教育基金會」,於今(2020 年 11 月)所舉
              辦「新世代 ‧ 新需求:台灣教育發展的挑戰」研討會,針對「子題 2:
              培育成熟民主社會的公民素養」撰文發表。憶及 10 年前,教育部曾於
              2010 年 8 月召開「第八次全國教育會議」,該大會有著類似願景標題

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